Research Summary

The ultimate goal of my research is to optimize the seizure outcome and the quality of life of patients who undergo epilepsy surgery. We have recently established a unique electrocorticography-based mapping method referred to as '4D brain map' (Brain 2017;140:1351-1370). It accurately animates 'when' and 'where' brain regions are activated and suppressed on a 3D surface image with an excellent spatial-temporal resolution (≤0.01 second / ≤1 cm). We have found that the human brain rapidly and alternately activates and deactivates cortical areas advantageous or undesirable to function directed toward action at a given moment. Together with our collaborators, Dr. Justin Jeong and others, we have also employed network and tractography analyses to determine how neural information is transferred from a region to others. We have found that our mapping technique is useful to predict and prevent language impairment following epilepsy surgery (Clin Neurophysiol 2013;124:857-869). We also have found excellent epilepsy biomarkers enabling accurate localization of the seizure focus to be surgically removed (Brain 2009;132:1038-1047; Epilepsia 2011;52:63-74; Clin Neurophysiol 2016;127:2489-99). Let me know if you are interested in our research program email: