Goals of the Program

The vascular neurology fellowship is designed to provide a broad exposure to the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of patients with cerebrovascular disease. This includes patients with ischemic stroke, brain hemorrhage, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), and asymptomatic cerebrovascular disease. The fellowship also provides exposure to vascular neuroimaging and interpretation of brain imaging studies. The fellowship encourages review of the primary medical literature and research with the program faculty.

  • Become knowledgeable about major classes of vascular syndromes, including basic clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and management
  • Become proficient at evaluating and presenting vascular neurology cases.
  • Attend the required lectures and conferences, including Vascular Conference.
  • Participate in your own research project during this year.
  • Present interesting vascular cases data at our weekly Stroke Conference.
  • Develop proficiency at designing, performing, and interpreting Vascular studies.
  • Read books and articles concerning vascular neurology that are recommended