Program Experience

Stroke Clinic
The Vascular Neurology Fellowship provides an opportunity to not only increase your knowledge about the diagnosis and management of cerebrovascular disorders, but also an opportunity to refine your skills in presenting clinical data. A clear and focused presentation will be valuable in the future when you confer with colleagues.

Stroke Consult Service
The Stroke consult service exists both to provide expert consultation to in-patients with cerebrovascular disease and as an educational service for us and the rest of the medical center. The primary mission of the service is educational.  All consult patients should be seen by the fellow at least every other day, unless we are asked to be the primary consultative service in which case the patient should be seen daily. Close personal contact with the primary physician caring for the patient is important, both for patient care and education.

Acute Stroke Beeper Coverage
The WSU/DMC Acute Stroke Team provides coverage for acute stroke patients presenting to the downtown campus at the Detroit Medical Center. In addition, we serve as a referral source for other DMC and non-DMC hospitals (50-60 per month).  The majority of acute stroke beeper calls will come from the emergency room at Detroit Receiving Hospital, especially the resuscitation room, however acute pages at Harper University Hospital and the DMC Heart Hospital are also covered. The fellow should go to the patient's room and evaluate the patient efficiently and carefully. In order to provide even further acute care, the acute stroke pager will also activate when EMS identifies patients on the way to the emergency room who fall within the thrombolysis window. The stroke fellow will work with the Emergency room physicians, the neurology residency service, neuointensive care service as well the neurointervention service. Teaching of medical students and residents will be an integral part of the fellowship and is considered very important.
The Stroke Fellowship is expected to do one month of neurocritical care during the 12 month vascular neurology program. Additional electives can be arranged with the program director such as 2-4 week rotations in the Hypertension clinic, Neuroradiology, Hematology clinic, Cardiology, and Interventional Neurology. Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan is on the main DMC campus and is a world-class inpatient rehabilitation facility for specializing in cerebrovascular disease and stroke patients, and provides an excellent source of learning and scholarship. Inpatient rotation (2-4 weeks) at Rehabilitation institute of Michigan is also mandatory.