Headache and Pain

A typical visit to the Headache and Pain clinic involves initial evaluation by a neurologist to establish the proper diagnosis and to provide the latest advanced management for headache and pain conditions.  Complicated cases may require a multidisciplinary approach with affiliated psychologists, physical therapists, and anesthesiologists to provide the best effective treatment for headache and pain.  The treatment options after establishing the diagnosis are medication adjustments, nerve block, Botox injection, and occasionally surgical intervention. 

M. Maher Fakhouri, M.D. is a clinical specialist in headache and pain management. Derek Grayson, MD is a neurointerventional pain management specialist. Dr. Grayson's expertise encompasses a wide range of conditions, with a particular focus on treating acute to chronic pain conditions such as neck and back pain, as well as headaches.

Botox for Headache

We offer FDA approved Botox injection for patients with chronic migraine headaches.  Jacob Rube, MD provides botox  services. 

For Clinic Appointments call (313) 745-4275

Maher Fakhouri, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Derek Grayson, MD 
Assistant Professor of Neurology (Clinical)