Third Year Clerkship


The ultimate goal of the Neurology clerkship is to teach an approach to the neurological patient rather than a collection of facts. Accordingly, students should become comfortable in taking concise history, performing and interpreting a neurological examination. Next, through a logical, ordered process, they should be able to anatomically localize the site of neurological lesions and identify potential pathophysiologic mechanisms of dysfunction. Students will be exposed to diagnosis and treatment of major neurological diseases in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Critical areas in Neurology will be discussed in tutorial sessions led by attending neurologists and senior residents.


Because students are distributed among a number of different hospitals, under the supervision of neurologists with distinctive teaching styles, the experience will vary according to placement. Students in community hospitals are expected to follow the patients of the private attending neurologist through both inpatient consultation and outpatient office visits. Students at the DMC hospitals will have a faculty attending neurologist as a tutor. They will be assigned to a senior resident-led team at either Detroit Receiving Hospital or Harper Hospital where they are expected to work-up and follow patients requiring neurological consultation or care. Students at the VA Medical Center will divide their time between Neurology Clinic, the consultation service and inpatient service. Modifications have been made to ensure an equivalent, although not identical experience among all locations.


By the end of the clerkship, each student should be able to take an appropriate clinical history and perform a complete and orderly neurological examination as well as pertinent aspects of a general physical examination (e.g. carotid artery examination in a patient with a stroke). Students are expected to be able to localize the most likely site of the problem within the nervous system and to justify their opinion. Students are also expected to approach patients with appropriate sensitivity and to respect the patient's dignity. There is a Neurology passport that must be completed by the supervising attending or the senior resident and must be returned at the end of the clerkship. (The clerkship will not be complete without returning a physician signed and approved passport). The passport involves performing a history and a Neurological exam on a patient.


When multiple neurologists participate in student supervision, one evaluation form may be submitted after obtaining input from the supervising neurologists and the senior residents. Evaluations will consider a student's participation in clinical rounds, presentations, neurological assessments, ethic, and student's interaction with patients, families, staff and team members.

The clerkship director determines final grades with assistance from a grading committee consisting of the Departmental Chairman and Associate Chairman. All grades may be appealed to the committee.

Students receiving a failing clinical grade must repeat the course.

Students who receive a Satisfactory or honors clinical grade but fail the final examination will receive a grade of unsatisfactory and must retake the written exam. If a student fails the retake exam he/she must meet with the Clerkship director to determine the next step, as the student may have to repeat the clinical rotation. Students who fail the clinical rotation will receive unsatisfactory grade for the course and must repeat it.


Daily attendance is mandatory. No more than two days absence are permitted unless medically excused including a written explanation from a physician, or previously arranged with the attending physician with approval of the clerkship director. Extended absences must be made up or will result in an Incomplete clinical grade. Final decisions will be made by the clerkship director.

Please contact Dr. Maher Fakhouri, Clerkship director or Ms. Lenora Paul, Clerkship Coordinator if you need further assistance.  

Maher Fakhouri, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Clerkship Director
Wayne State University
Lenora Paul, Clerkship Coordinator
Office Phone:  (313) 577-1243