Muhammad Raghib, MD

Muhammad Raghib, MD

Muhammad Raghib, MD

Narrative Bio

Dr. Raghib graduated from Aga Khan University Medical College in 2017. He worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Neuroimmunology department since August 2022. Prior to this he worked as a research assistant in GI for UVA, and at Aga Khan where he worked on glioblastoma research. He has worked to develop a soft robotic catheter. He has multiple articles published.

Office Address

Department of Neurology,
Wayne State University, Suite 8D-UHC
4201 St. Antoine
Detroit, 48201

Office Phone: (313) 577-1245
Clinic Appointments (313) 745-4275
Clinic fax number: (313) 745-4468

Academic Rank

 PGY1 Resident Department of Neurology

Position Title

 PGY1 Resident

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