Message from the Chair
Dear Colleagues:
Welcome to the Department of Neurology at Wayne State University School of Medicine!
Our department firmly upholds three traditional academic missions patient care, teaching, and research. Each of the three missions now has greater potential in the decades to come.
Located in the center of Detroit, the university-affiliated hospitals serve millions of people throughout the metropolitan area. Our department is undergoing a major expansion. In addition to the existing clinical services in a variety of subspecialties, such as stroke, epilepsy, movement disorders, neuromuscular diseases, multiple sclerosis, neuro-oncology and clinical electrophysiology, our department aims to establish multi-disciplinary clinics that are highly specialized and dedicated to specific neurological diseases. We are determined to bring the highest quality of care to our patients.
Along with our clinical missions, the department is strongly motivated to become a platform for innovation. We believe that neurology training can be more effectively delivered by new education tools, such as interactive online curriculum and project design with specific subject driven solutions for neurological diseases, to achieve not only a clear understanding of neurological diseases but also foster creativity and critical thinking. These are essential skills for our trainees to stay competitive and become valuable contributors in neurological sciences in the era of revolutionary digital technology.
We believe that research is the best driving force to produce high quality care for our patients. Our department actively pursues new technologies to improve functional measurements that are applicable to a variety of neurological diseases, and we are committed to developing new therapeutic approaches for these diseases. In addition, we make every effort to create an optimal research environment for our faculy to gain deep understandings of the pathogenesis of neurological diseases and translate their discoveries to bedside uses.
Our expertise and services have been recognized both locally and nationally by our peers. In 2017, we were recognized as the top-ranked Neurology program in Michigan and the 21st in the country by the U.S. News & World Report. The majority of neurologists in our department have been voted "Best Doctors of America" by their peers.
This is an exciting time to work in the field of Neurology as the advancement of biomedical sciences and digital technology are redefining what it means to be a neurologist. Cutting edge technologies are rapidly revising our knowledge and therapies against neurological diseases, and we are particularly enthusiastic about the opportunities at Wayne State University. Our vision coincides with the Translational Neuroscience Initiatives that are spearheaded by the university and medical school leaders. These efforts are occurring simultaneously with the revitalization of Detroit, which will have a profoundly positive impact on the overall wellbeing of the institution and our department.
If you share in our enthusiasm, please contact us and become a supporter of our academic missions. We also welcome any talented residents, fellows, neurologists and physician scientists who would be interested in joining us!
Jun Li, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Neurology
Scientific Director of Translational Neuroscience Institute
Wayne State University School of Medicine